In the Journey

“In the Journey is where life is found…”

This quote hit me pretty hard as the recent documentary ’25in24′ came to an end.  It still amazes me how one line in a film or song can have such a huge impact.  I suppose it may have to do with my days lately and how they are a little complicated, stressful and unpredictable, so these small moments become vibrant and carry some weight.

As I sat in a good friends living room (thanks Brent), watching , trying not to have a complete emotional meltdown as life had taken another unexpected turn for the not-so-good, those words seemed to become branded in my mind.  They literally dropped-kicked me right in the feels.

A little background for those unfamiliar with this new documentary, it is a film created by the front-man of one of my long time favorite bands Switchfoot.   Jon Foreman is a true artist and poet and since their debut album in 1997, I’ve been hooked (there are few bands for which I own their entire collection…Switchfoot is one of them).   After each of his shows, Jon would perform an acoustic aftershow in the parking lot or steps of the venue for whoever would stick around.  Intimate, acoustic, nothing plugged in and completely unplanned.  In the same vane, his documentary 25in24 was an attempt to play 25 shows in 24 hours (small 3-4 song shows at venues across his San Diego home town that had meaning in his journey as an artist).  The premise was the embrace of chaos.  As much as you can plan, organize, and deliberately set out your days, anything is possible and anything can happen.  It was beautifully filmed, deeply inspiring and truly made you feel like you were a part of the adventure and chaos of those 24 hours.

Check out for his music and information on 25in24.

I have recently talked to so many people or read so many stories of lives in chaos or in a journey they did not expect…not just my own.  Hearing the line “in the journey is where life is found” really hit home.  The weight of so many stories and struggles has caused a little extra anxiety for me lately.  I’ll be honest, it is a weight I bare and my heart aches.  Unfortunately I can’t seem to shake the need and want to bleed for others.  For those I know that are traveling a hard road, you are not alone.  The unexpected chaos of this life is something we all face, it is how we choose to move ahead that can truly inspire and breathe life into otherwise dyer situations.

Have you noticed that the most beautiful art seems to come from the most chaotic places.  If you’ve ever watched an artist begin a painting or begin to write a song or begin to pen words, it is never beautiful from the start.  Or it starts with the best of intentions with visions and preparation for a smooth journey and during the process, it becomes messy, difficult and frustrating, but the beauty that comes from the hours, days or years of dedication and focus on the end result, is an often unanticipated, beautiful work of art.

In the words of Jon Foreman, from his song Inheritance… “Your Heart is a work of Art”.  Find the beauty in your struggles; the encouragement that we are all going through something; embrace the chaos and find life in the journey.  The end result is unexpectedly beautiful.


So friends, please know that I am feeling the weight of your journey.  I believe that a part of my time here on earth is meant to be used to help carry some of the burden, to pray for your hurt and to try and speak words of encouragement and hope for your journey.  This is why I try to continue these little posts.  They might be insignificant and jargon from my cluttered brain and might not make sense, but maybe it will resonate with someone.  Please know, I’m not perfect, I’m not healed myself and I hope that lets you know that I am human too, that I face daily turmoil and struggle, and that I am trying to embrace the chaos and find my life in the Journey.   It is not easy.  If it was, we wouldn’t need others.   My cell is always on…text 7058682616 if you need to talk or someone to listen.

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